Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Starting a new Nation

In order to form a powerful and just nation, you first need to make sure everyone is given equal rights. The Bill of Rights made sure that everyone understood the rights they have. Rights such as the freedom of speech and the freedom to bear arms gave people a feel of independence. However, problems can occur while trying to form a nation. Some political figures such as Hamilton, a federalist, believed more in the government. He wanted the government to be powerful in order to rule the people. Also he was not in favor of the common. He proposed a National Bank that the wealthy would run. Jefferson on the other hand, was a Democratic-Republican. He believed that the government should not have to much power and ensured that the common voice was heard. The Louisiana Purchase was also a good to build a strong nation. This gave America a chance to expand and create more opportunities for people to either get money, or have a place to live.

I believed that the best way to have a strong united country is to set good and just laws. Laws that are not to linient yet not too harsh. Ammendments like the Bill of Rights was a great start. By giving people freedom, it gives them a sense of independence, which was exactly what they fought Britain for. Voting for good, strong plotical leaders is also important. You want to vote for someone that has the interest of everyone in mind. Hamilton was only looking out for the wealthy and not for the common people. The best way for the government to unify the nation with diverent backgrounds is to make sure that no group is left out. Meaning that the laws have to be equal through out.

Launching A New Nation

The election of 1800 is one of the most famous elections in American history. The election was between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, they both were running for president of the United States. Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican, and Adams was a Federalist. The two candidates constantly hurled at each other, mainly because they were each with different parties. Each candidate, of course had their own ideas about how they were going to run the nation. The way that the nation elected a person is very similar to how we elect presidential candidates now.The only difference now is, that it is much more developed.

In my opinion the election of 1800 was handled fairly. I feel that it was right to let the electoral college decide the candidate. Even though elections are suppose to be decided by the people of the nation, that is never really the case. The people may have the popular vote but the electoral college decides it all. A government can build a unified nation out of people with diverse interest and concerns by letting the people have a say so in decisions. If the government listens to what the people have to say, then they can find ways to make everyone happy. When people have different concerns and interest, presidential candidates are usually what they pay attention to the most. The candidates often listen to what people want, and go on campaigns to address these issues and tell ways that they plan to resolve them. Basically, when the government makes things equal for the people, there is unity. This is how a government can build a unified nation out of people with diverse interest and concerns.

Nationalism Vs. Sectionalism

Some time after the Revolution, America began to divide into two distinct agricultural settings. The Northern states favored a nationalistic view of the nation. Nationalism is when a people view the good of the whole country as more important than individual sections. The Southern states wanted a government more focused on sectionalism. Sectionalism is when a people value the good of an individual section over the good of the whole country. The Northern states had many mills and factories and most of their business came from selling goods to the South. The South was mostly farms and plantations, they were forced to buy from the North because of a protective tariff. This caused much tension between the two parts of the country, because while the tariff was good for the country on a whole, it was not always good for the South.
When a country has two separate views on what is important in the country is not good. I feel that the North was right. The nation should be more important than any one state or region. If the nation fails, then the section fails. However if a section fails, the nation can live on and eventually restore the region in need. The South was arrogant in assuming that their way of life was more important than the Northerners'. If the South could have been made to see the errors of their views, then many conflicts could have been avoided. Nationalism is on a whole more practical and more beneficial than Sectionalism.

"What does it mean to be a nation"

In 1823 John Beckwourth and an African-American ventured westward with a fur-trading expedition. This is when the expansion to the west occurred. An the reason why the settlers pushed westward was in search of economic gain. Also for land because it was plentiful and fertile but cheap. Another Act was Indian Removal Act of 1830 and this is where Jackson moved the Indians west. And it was called The Trail of Tears which was beginning in1838. About 1,000 Cherokee Indians were sent off in groups on the long journey. The trail went for 800 mile trip was made partly by steamboat and railroad but mostly on foot.

What I think it means to be a nation is when everyone agrees on the same things. Also to learn about others culture's and way of life. Another reason is that America has made some very bad choices. Like forcing the Cherokee Indians from there land. Or going to some wars that I just don't understand why. Also is why does America get into these tight situations with other countries or foreign people. Is it because we have nothing better to do but just fight. And to get into other people's problems.
Mitchell Anderson

"What does it mean to be a nation"

Launching a New Nation

Launching a New Nation

In 1815 the new nation was just getting started, and they were struggling to create the new government. The new government was formed as a democracy by our founding fathers. Through out this new government they did not want any part of the government to have too much power. They created the Federal system, which was made up of the federal, state, and local. They made George Washington our first president. There were people who supported the new Constitution, who were called the Federalist. Then there were people who were Anti-Federalist, who thought that it gave too much power to the government. In September 1789, Congress submitted the Bill of Rights.

Even though there are so many different issues and ideas when we were developing our new nation, I think they made it fair for everyone. Every time they had a conflict they would try to solve it as fair as possible. Everyone got a chance to vote, and got to put in their opinion. They could have just taken all the power in the government, just like the king. They didn't though, they stayed equal with the whole nation. They created the Bill of Rights, which showed us our rights we had as citizens. Even though we don't have all the problems solved in the nation, we do have most of the issues solved, and they are solved equally and fairly.
Dear Diary, when I was a younger, my mother used to tell me stories about how America became a country. My parents were very big on the idea of Nationalism. My daddy said, "We fought to becomce one country, not 13." My name is Lucy Trescott and I was born in Boston, Mass. We just moved to Greenville, SC because my dad wanted to be a farmer. I have become good friends with a girl name Maybell Greene who grew up in a family full of Sectionalist. She said that the North was treating the South unfair by imposing the protective tariff and that the South was threatening to succed. She said that her parents were for that and thought that states should govern themselves. My parents, of course, thought that the you have to do what's best for the country. So diary, I have to go, but I leave you a Nationalist.

The country should really try hard to really hear every idea of every part of the country. Somebody is bound to get the short end of the stick one time, but you have to balance it. There should be a tax on imported goods, but American prices should be lower and the North should return the favor. That way your supporting your country and everybody's happy. You should also go see every state and see how you can better help it thrive. In turn the states should be more patient and believe in there country. Also every state should suggest ideas on how to help the country or themselves because you won't be heard, unless you speak. So you really just have to find a good balance.

What does it mean to be a nation?

A nation is a unified people that work together for a better tommorow. Many nations have come and gone but the United States has stood tried and true. We have come over many obstacles and conquered many hardships but we still stand proudly today as a unified nation. In our past we have done things that many would deem horrific and wrong, many have even said that we have set up to fail but we are still here and even through those horrific events, e.g. The Trail of Tears, we have tried to right our wrongs and become better than before. The structure of a nation should be that of a good government, one that holds their people high and mighty and protects them at all costs. A nation should have a great military, one that can protect its country and one that is not afraid to die for freedom. Last of all a nation should show the rest of the world that they are a force to be dealt with and they are no push over's. If you want a true definition of a great nation look at America and you will find your definition.

I know that America is a great nation, but in my process of writing this, a question popped in my head that I cant seem to answer. Is America the greatest nation there is? This is a question that has haunted me in my process of writing all this. America may have done some things that can be deemed evil and horrific, but it was only because we thought it was for the best right, or were we just blinded by our greed as a young nation to grow in power and strength? Among the wrongs America has committed some good can be found. We have always tried to help other countries in need and we have never let an ally suffer. America has always done what is best for the people and has rarely let them down. Maybe the question stated above can never be answered but something can be said for America and that is they are a nation that refuses to give in and give up.

Nationalism and Sectionalism

Nationalism is when a person favors the nation instead of their region. Presidents usually try to keep the nation in mind instead of favoring their region. By doing this, it makes sure that everyone is included insteaad of excluded. John Quincy Adams established foreign policy guided by nationalism. Sectionalism favors a specific region instead of the nation. In the presidential election of 1796, sectionalism became an issue. Southerners voted for Jefferson while Northerners voted for Adams. Instead of voting for the one who could best benefit the country, they voted for the one who they thought would benefit their region.

Between nationalism and sectionalism, nationalism is the best if you want to unite a country. Keeping the interest of everyone in mind is best. On the other hand it is good to be a sectionalist as well. If the nation is facing a problem that your region is facing, it is ok to fix the problem in your region first before you help the nation. However, some people take sectionalism to another level. For example, the Proctective Tariff set by Andrew Jackson was intented to favor the nation, but instead it only helped the northern economy. The southerners feared that there economy would fall greatly if they did not change the tariff. This is where sectionalism comes in. Southerners were keeping their interest in mind instead of the nations; however, it was wrong to place the tariff because they knew it would harm the south economically. Nationalism is the way to go if you want to unite a nation

Monday, October 29, 2007

"What does it mean to be a nation?"

In 1836, nationalism was exerting a strong influence in foreign affairs and westward expansion in America. Part of this influence came from the Indian Removal Act Of 1830. This act, was the idea of Andrew Jackson, who was president at the time. Jackson believed that the only solution was to move the Native Americans from their lands to areas farther west. The idea passed congress in 1830 and that's when the decided to provide the funds to negotiate treaties. The treaties would force the Native Americans out of their lands, and move west. Jackson saw his idea as "not only liberal, but generous."

I think that the Indian Removal Act Of 1830, was the worst decision that we as a nation has ever made. We took what authority we had, and made the Native Americans move out of land that they thought they could call home. In order to be a nation, everybody must have equal rights and there must be communication between the nation's leaders and it's people. When a nation's leaders and its people have a equal say so in important decisions, then a nation tends to be more secuessful. I think that if Andrew Jackson would've thought about his decision about the act more carefully, then he could've found a alternate solution. This is what I think it takes to be a nation.

Are we a nation?

The south seemed to have a different idea on how the nation should be run. They were for sectionalism,meaning states as individuals over the nation as a whole. Of course the North was for nationalism, meaning the nation as a whole over the states as individuals. The South thought that they were being treated ufairly, so they threatened to succed or breakfree for the Nation. They had different needs than the North and thought that they weren't being taken a care of like they were in the North. The South farmed mostly and had a huge need for slaves. The North had no need for slaves seeing as they were industral. Then a tariff was imposed on the imported goods making it so that the South was forced to buy Northern goods, but the favor was not returned. Thus making the South lean more towards sectionalism.

I think that the South Should not succed, but I do believe they were being treated somewhat unfairly. The goverment should have said "don't succed, but how can we fix this?" They should have sat with Southern representatives and found away to compromise. Like make away to force the North to by there goods too. The South was loosing money so now they could start to make some off of Norhern buyers. The government sould have tried to really work with the South and in turn the South should have tried to work with the government.

Nationalism and Sectionalism

Nationalism and Sectionalism

In 1836 the north and south were growing economically but in different ways. The north began building factories, and the south started using to the cotton gin. It began to create problems because the protective tariff against Britain hurt the south. The products were cheaper from Britain than they were from the north. The south thought the north was was getting richer at the expense of the south. At the same time we were expanding west of the Mississippi River. The people really like Andrew Jackson as President because he was one of the people. This created conflict when he vetoed the recharter of the National Bank of the United States.
To be a nation you have to have balance in the states and with the whole country. Everything has to be equal and no one can have more power than the others. At this time during the conflicts between the north and south, and the expansion of the western United States did help our nation. When the south was disagreeing with the nation, it created so much conflict and it wasn't best for the nation. In order to be a nation each state is equal, and all people are treated fairly. Andrew Jackson tried treating everyone fairly in the north and south during his Presidency, to help keep the nation equal. I think back then they had trouble getting the nation equal, and had many conflicts to overcome. Now I think that we have our nation under more control, than we did back then.

Nationalism and Sectionalism

What does it mean to be a Nation?

To be a nation, you must work together. The Revolution started in Great Britain, some inventors came up with ways to generate power by using streams and a lot of coal. The Industrial Revolution helped a lot of places. It helped Americas income after the War of Independence. The cotton gin is an invention that was invented during the Revolution to help the mass production rate of cotton. The only problem was that this invention set the South on a different course of development from the North. The South started to produce more short-staple cotton that was in demand in Great Britain, the cotton gin expanded the slavery rate because more and more people wanted to get profit from cotton. When slavery began to expand the North felt like the South were becoming more powerful, so the Missouri Compromise began, and the Compromise stated that everything South of the Potomac were slave states, and everything North except Missouri were non-slave states.

To be a nation you cant be divided, you must know how to work together. All the compromises and the doctrines that were made in this time helped us work as a nation. To be a nation each state must be equal, one state can not have more power than the other. If this happens then the one state will start to believe that they are better than all the other states. If this happens then we wont work together, and you cant be a nation unless you work together. In the older days, they had a hard time being a nation, because they didn't know how to be equal. I think now we are more of a nation than we were back then. I believe that now we are a nation.