Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"What does it mean to be a nation"

In 1823 John Beckwourth and an African-American ventured westward with a fur-trading expedition. This is when the expansion to the west occurred. An the reason why the settlers pushed westward was in search of economic gain. Also for land because it was plentiful and fertile but cheap. Another Act was Indian Removal Act of 1830 and this is where Jackson moved the Indians west. And it was called The Trail of Tears which was beginning in1838. About 1,000 Cherokee Indians were sent off in groups on the long journey. The trail went for 800 mile trip was made partly by steamboat and railroad but mostly on foot.

What I think it means to be a nation is when everyone agrees on the same things. Also to learn about others culture's and way of life. Another reason is that America has made some very bad choices. Like forcing the Cherokee Indians from there land. Or going to some wars that I just don't understand why. Also is why does America get into these tight situations with other countries or foreign people. Is it because we have nothing better to do but just fight. And to get into other people's problems.
Mitchell Anderson

1 comment:

abigail said...

The flow in your post is lacking, but your personal connection is good.