Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Can the use of force preserve a nation?

Toward the end of the war General Sherman marched his troops from Georgia to Charleston in his infamous march to the sea. Along the way Sherman burned almost everything in his armies way, as well as looting and plundering anything of value for his and his armies use.

Sherman’s march to the sea had the intended effect on southern moral. It helped break the southern fighting will therefor helped preserve the union. The use of force, in this case military, can be used to keep together a divided nation. Even though it was morally wrong it did help win the war and keep the United States together.

Reconstuction Thing

After the Civil War was over America was left with several problems to deal with. On April 14, 1865 President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Andrew Johnson succeeded Lincoln as president. He was not as good a leader as Lincoln and he soon ran into trouble with congress. Lincoln's plan was to reintegrate the south into the union peacefully. However congress wanted to punish the south for their actions. This conflict continued after Johnson took over. Eventually the congress had to recognize the power of the president.
Some of these conflicts could have been handled better. Lincolns assassination could have been prevented if he had better protection. The north should have expected some sort of problems from the south. As for the conflicts between Lincoln and congress they should have been unified. Their disagreements made it so that they contradicted each other. They delayed each others action and achieved little. Their eventual agreements let them make progress. If these issues had been dealt with then reconstruction would have proceeded smoothly.

Preserving a Nation

There are many ways that a military or political force cand preserve a nation. Abraham Lincoln stated the Gettysburg Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during the Civil War. He basically said that the greates thing you can do for you're country is die for it. Abraham Licoln wasn't referring to his soldiers or the confederates. He was just referring to Americans or Soldiers in general. This address was a ceremonial service for the soldiers that died during the Gettysburg battle.

Afrter the war was over, the resconstruction started. The South and the north worked very hard to build their nation back up and work out their problems. People from the North came down to help the south, and people from the south came up to help the north. They worked together as a nation. Both military and political played a part in this also. The politcal part of this is, our leaders have to make the right choices, and the military just have to defend us.

Linclon's Assassination

On Friday, April 14, 1865, at approximately 10:00 P.M. President Abraham Lincon was shot by was shot while attending a performance of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater with his wife and two guests. Lincoln died the following day April 15 1865 7:22 A.M., in the Hospital. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by actor and Confederate enimy John Wilkes Booth, had also ordered a fellow colige, Lewis Powell, to kill William H. Seward who was the Secratery of state at the time.
The only reason that i can think John Wilkes Booth would assassinate pressdent Lincon is because he's for slavery or he just didn't like him. I think is was a stupid thing to do, because slaves were still became free anyways.
Preserving a Nation

I think you can use the military or political force to preserve a nation. The Appomattox in Virginia on April 9, 1865 was example of preserving our nation. This was when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant with out a battle. The North had won the Civil War. If we did not have this war, and the North did not win we would have had two nations instead of one. The South would have been their own nation, and it would not be the same today. Since President Lincoln went to war with the South it helped preserve our nation. The Appomattox was what help make the decision to preserve our nation.

I think that using force of the military and politics helps keeps up a nation. If we didn't have some force we would be doing what ever we want we would not be as stable as we are today. If Lincoln did not use force on the South, then the South would not be part of the United States of America today. The forces help keep our nation whole. The forces helped get the South after the Civil War. I think that if we did not use forces we would be completely different today. We could have all kinds of problems with our nation. The forces are good because they help keep our nation together in the end.


In 1877 Reconstruction began for the nation. After Lincoln passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment the slaves were free, citizens of the United States, and had the right to vote. Now the slaves had to find work so they moved up North thinking they would be able to find more jobs and get away from the farming. But instead of finding jobs they found discrimination with the immigrants afraid of the Africans taking their jobs. Another problem during reconstruction was some of the Northerners, carpetbaggers, were moving down into the South wanting to start new industries. You also had problems between Andrew Johnson and Congress wanting the power with the Reconstruction. Johnson also fired his Secretary of War which led Congress to try and impeach him. Luckily for Johnson they lost by one vote, but after his term he did not run for office again.
Not only did the South suffer during the Civil War but they lay in ruins after the War is finally over. The rail lines throughout the South are unusable. The farms, plantations, and factories are now at a lost and run down with the abolishment of slavery. The southern states are trying to re emit into the Union, and Congress and President Johnson are arguing over who has the power with reconstruction.



Reconstruction was a period when America strived to get back on their feet after the Civil War was over. Reconstruction included properties in the South losing its value, the South spending $100 million for damages, and African Americans being freed. After plantation owners lost their land's value, they offered jobs to some of the freed slaves as tenant farmers. As a result of the South spending $100 million, they would be in a heap of debt for years to come. As for the freed slaves, they were now allowed to vote, own land, and travel without being stopped by a white person passing by.

Reconstruction also caused many problems between the North and South. Many northerners, known as carpetbaggers, moved down South to introduce schools to the poor whites and slaves. Other problems occurred within the South among themselves. A group of southerners called scalawags, joined the Republican party. Most of these scalawags were poor whites who didn't want to see the rich take over again. The rich whites were Democrats and wanted to change everything back to the way everything was before the Civil War began. And lastly, President Andrew Johnson, a southern abolitionist from Tennessee, wanted to punish rebellion leaders for causing the war.

Mickeal Burdine

Military Force

After the Civil War, there was a time period called reconstruction. At the start of reconstruction, Lincoln was president, but not but a few days after the war he was shot. Vice President Andrew Johnson became president and had many problems in his term of office. He sent military forces to the south to make sure nothing went wrong during the rebuilding of the nation. This caused more tension to both sides. He also had to deal with the actual rebuilding and his impeachment. Congress believed that they should deal with rebuilding and not Johnson. One thing lead to another and Johnson was up for impeachment. He was safe by one vote. So having military forces to solve problems just might of lead to his impeachment.

The use of military force to preserve a nation is not always good. When you have a country such as Cuba, the use of military force is not used to control a situation, but more to instill fear on it's people. So you are not in anyway fixing a situation, but making sure that the situation works out to the governments advantage. Military force, if used correctly, can also be good. For example, having troops in Iraq has brought them the right to vote for their leaders and a new government. In the case of military in the south during reconstruction, that was unnecessary because it bought about more tension between the two regions. I know if I were a southern at the time, I would feel threatened. So military force, if used for the right reasons can be appropriate and necessary.

Preserving The Nation

In 1877 the South began rebuilding, after the Civil War. Eventhough the war was over the effects of it were still being felt. For example General Sherman marched from Georgia to the Carolina's (1864-1865), destructing everything in his path. Sherman's march caused millions of dollars of damage. Rebuilding the South because of Sherman's march, was one of the main reasons for reconstruction. Along with the damage, the South had to reconstruct their goverment, and the newly freed slaves. The South knew that reconstruction would take along time. Also, they had a little bit of trouble finding the money to pay for it.

I belive that the use of military force, by Sherman, did not preserve the nation. I believe, it only made the nation worst. There is no way that a destructive attack like this, can preserve a nation. Good choices made by political and military leaders preserve a nation, in my opinion. Along with the political and military leaders, good choices also have to made by the people. If the people of a nation do not agree with each other then there is bound to be chaos among them. In the recontruction chapter, I learned how bad choices, not only effect yourself, but in some cases everyone elese also.

Preserving The Nation

Before leaving on Christmas Break, our class studied the Civil War and the Reconstruction. Based off everything that happened throughout this time period, yes a nation can be preserved by the use of military and politics. Abe Lincoln knew the south was seceeding illegally. It says in the Constitution that no one state can not seceed from the nation. The south doing such thing became known as the CSA. After doing so the president (Abe Lincoln) forgives them and still recognizes them as part of the nation. Our president at the time did not want to start a war but unfortunately it started April 1861. After the fight in Gettysburg, the Gettysburg Address was written. Lincoln recognized all of the soldiers that fought throughout this terrible war. In 1867 the reconstruction act came into play. This divided former confederate states into 5 military districts each with a union general, so there was the military enforcing the law.

I believe that everything need order and control. Thats why everywhere there are leaders. For example, at home the parents are usually the ones making all of the decisions or with the final say so. Also at school, the one person that makes all of the decisions is the Principal. Then there are the teachers, and last the students. By Abe Lincoln putting the soldiers in the 5 different confederate states was a smart decision because the CSA turned their back on the Union and were able to do it again. Another thing is when Abe Lincoln declared what the Confederacy was doing was unconstitutional. The United States needs control now and will need it later.


Preserving The Nation

Dear diary,

It's me again, I am here sitting in my room doing nothing because the military regiment that was assigned to my town has ordered us to stay inside until told otherwise. This whole thing has thrown my parents into an uproar, they keep saying, "how are we supposed to farm if we can't go outside". I personally enjoy the military presence in the town they give us order, they give us direction. When the military presence first began I hated the regiment that was assigned to our town but as time went on I realized that with out them there some people from our town would have tried to start the war all over again. The military presence keeps us in check though, they make sure we dont try to do anything stupid. Sometimes though they can get a little forceful and may have resort to brute force but on their defense it is the citizens fault because they start it and leave the soldier no choice. Sometime's a military presence is needed in certain area's to keep that area under control. I may not understand everything that is going on right now but I have a feeling that this military presence will do us all some good. Well I am gonna go now, it sounds like the military regiment is letting us out of our homes now. Until next time.

Can the use of force preserve a nation? It is a question that has run through the minds of politicians alot, and it is also a question that our nation has had to deal with during past events. I for one think that force is a great way to preserve a nation, think about it, without some kind of force pushing us we would never do some of the things we do. Think back to the reconstruction of the south, without that military presence that was there, I truly believe that the south would have never gotten back to what they used to be. Why, you may ask, because that military presence the south would have never stopped arguing about everything, but because of that presence the south got to work and rebuilt themselves to their former glory. Let us also think back to the 13th, 14th, and 15th ammendment, congress knew those ammendments would throw the south into an outrage but they had to force themselves and the south to agree to it and in the end those three ammendments would eventually bring our nation together. So you see force can be a great way to preserve a nation. The question still stands though, can the use of force preserve a nation? The question may never be answered but we can always try.


The Civil War was a time when the nation was damaged yet working to bring the nation to a time where every person in the nation would be treated equally. It was also a time when the nation was working to come together. Reconstruction was the time period of rebuilding after the Civil War. It was a time to rebuild all of the damaged land and to bring the nation together as one. Although twenty percent of the population was down in the south, taxes were increasing and the property values were lower, the nation was slowly recovering. Scalawags were joining the Republican party and Carpetbaggers were moving from the north to the south. They helped bring the nation together by letting the north and the south do things as one. This means teachers and ministers were starting new industries in the south and people were moving to the north to help with the production of goods in the north.

During Reconstruction this helped the nation politically. It helped in politics by having an amendment giving African Americans the right to be free. It also helped with amendments giving the African Americans the right of citizenship and the right to vote. This increased the number of votes in the south because now the African Americans would be counted as a regular vote like everyone else in the nation. Now everyone in the nation was beginning to have a say-so in what should happen with and for the nation.

Great Preservers

When the Civil War was over and the Reconstruction period ended, Americans needed to find a way to preserve the nation or keep it together. People lost land and their homes, people did not have a place to go, and many people did not have a job to support their families. Since the north won the war, slavery was now claimed as illegal. This forced the south to find a new way to make money, since they depended on the slaves to plant and reap their crops. Amendments 13, 14, and 15 gave previous slaves rights. The right to vote, allowed them to be citizens, and abolished slavery. Although the slaves were freed, this caused more problems. Freed blacks did not know were to go, they had no money, food, and an education. Another problem that freed blacks faced was racism. Even thought they were freed and given rights, most whites were still racists. Jim Crow laws were set up to ensure that blacks were restricted and given limited freedom. Although they were allowed to vote, the whites set heavy voting requirements which prevented many blacks from voting.

Military, political, and economical action can not alone preserve a nation. It is the people that have to come together as one to preserve it. The military can come in and force people to behave but people might rebel. Politicians and governors can try to set strict laws so that the people are forced to help provide for their country in some way. However most will refuse to follow the law. The government can take economical action by setting high taxes on scarce materials so that they can pay for the damages, but people might refuse to buy the materials. The people have to come together and ignore their differences to help build a strong nation. They have to have high moral and great spirit to preserve the nation.

Gettysburg Address

The war at Gettysburg was one of the goriest battle's in The Civil War. An there was a meeting with the town people about getting rid of all of the dead bodies. The Gettysburg Address was a speech from Abraham Lincoln. He was talking about everyone that died in this war were honorable men. His speech was only two minutes long but it was very powerful and moving. He also talked about the slaves down in the south were free.The greatest thing that you can do in life is to die for country. This political speech that Abe Lincoln made did change our nation in that he wasn't talking about the Confederates and the Union but talking about how we are a whole nation.

The Gettysburg Address did change our nation. Because Abraham Lincoln said that we should honor all of the brave men. Who died at this battle between the Confederates and the Union. I think this speech did change the United States in that the Civil War was finally over. And that the slaves down in the south are now free. Lincoln also said in his speech "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom." He is saying that America is going to start over. And start a new beginning as a whole nation with america having their freedom.

Mitchell Anderson


Preserving the Nation

When the Civil War ended, alot of event happened all at once causing a massive amout of chaos all over the nation. Over twenty million of the male population are dead, the rebuilding of the South had over $100 million worth of damage, and taxes increacing everywhere. Even the Northern capitalists were terrified to invest what they had. The 4 million African Americans were freed, now reconized as citizens, and were allowed to vote. A couple of days after the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was assissinated, making Andrew Johnson the next president. It took a very long time to make everything right again.

It was very obvious that not just the South lost the war but everyone else in America lost everything as well. With all those freed slaves, the first thing that will pop in their minds that they would, right at the start, do everything what they wanted to do that they couldn't do when they were slaves. They would make everywhere and everything run out of control. It was also sad to hear the millions of millions of damage to everything that the people of the South treasured the most, losing family, friend, homes, their childhood, and more, all gone. Not to mention everyone mourned to the assissination of Abraham Lincoln. Nobody liked this time at all.

Fort Sumter

In April of 1861, the Confederate army was on its way to claiming all of the forts and other federal buildings in the South. If they claimed the federal buildings, then they had control over the Confederate states and the North wouldn't have any influence on the South. Fort Sumter was one of the major forts. It was located in Charleston and Robert Anderson was the person in control of it. When the Confederate army came to seize it, Anderson asked Lincoln for help and supplies. Not wanting to be the one to fire the first shots, Lincoln gave Anderson's men food, but no weapons or additional soldiers. The following battle was a short one and Anderson was forced to surrender. This marked the beginning of the Civil War.

Lincoln was right in his decision not to send weapons or soldiers to help Anderson. Although the North lost Fort Sumter, they were not the ones to initiate the war. Lincoln could have placed the blame for the war on the Union's hands if he had allowed the soldiers of Fort Sumter to fire the first shots. This battle goes to show that peace isn't something that can be used to preserve a nation. The Union tried to use peace, but they clearly needed to use military force since the Confederates were willing to use it. It would not have been wise for the Union to use military force at Fort Sumter, but after this it was completely necessary to fight back in order to stop the South's progression and reunite the nation. Without military force, the South would have kept on gaining power. The confidence boost that the Confederates received from winning this battle would not last long, for they provoked the North into putting them back in their place.