Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Preserving The Nation

In 1877 the South began rebuilding, after the Civil War. Eventhough the war was over the effects of it were still being felt. For example General Sherman marched from Georgia to the Carolina's (1864-1865), destructing everything in his path. Sherman's march caused millions of dollars of damage. Rebuilding the South because of Sherman's march, was one of the main reasons for reconstruction. Along with the damage, the South had to reconstruct their goverment, and the newly freed slaves. The South knew that reconstruction would take along time. Also, they had a little bit of trouble finding the money to pay for it.

I belive that the use of military force, by Sherman, did not preserve the nation. I believe, it only made the nation worst. There is no way that a destructive attack like this, can preserve a nation. Good choices made by political and military leaders preserve a nation, in my opinion. Along with the political and military leaders, good choices also have to made by the people. If the people of a nation do not agree with each other then there is bound to be chaos among them. In the recontruction chapter, I learned how bad choices, not only effect yourself, but in some cases everyone elese also.

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