Wednesday, January 9, 2008



Reconstruction was a period when America strived to get back on their feet after the Civil War was over. Reconstruction included properties in the South losing its value, the South spending $100 million for damages, and African Americans being freed. After plantation owners lost their land's value, they offered jobs to some of the freed slaves as tenant farmers. As a result of the South spending $100 million, they would be in a heap of debt for years to come. As for the freed slaves, they were now allowed to vote, own land, and travel without being stopped by a white person passing by.

Reconstruction also caused many problems between the North and South. Many northerners, known as carpetbaggers, moved down South to introduce schools to the poor whites and slaves. Other problems occurred within the South among themselves. A group of southerners called scalawags, joined the Republican party. Most of these scalawags were poor whites who didn't want to see the rich take over again. The rich whites were Democrats and wanted to change everything back to the way everything was before the Civil War began. And lastly, President Andrew Johnson, a southern abolitionist from Tennessee, wanted to punish rebellion leaders for causing the war.

Mickeal Burdine

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