Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Forming a new Nation

War of 1812: Tecumseh's Confederacy
My name is Tecumseh. I believe that we, the Native Americans, should not allow these white settlers to bring us in their conflict with the British. I want nothing but to keep the land of my fathers. These people have no right to take away our land and make it theirs. I say we should form a confederacy and force them to leave our home. My brother Prophet and I, along with the Great Spirit, shall drive out the invaders. I shall travel to many of the tribes in the surrounding area and ask for their help. Hopefully my allies will have kept their heritage and religion alive and not abandon their way of life. I shall discuss assistance from the British government to stop the Americans from taking what's ours.
A government can build a unified nation out of people with diverse interest and concerns by coming to an idea the all agree on. Just because the belief are different, doesn't mean that there's nothing they can't agree on. Although the Native American tribes were different in many ways, didn't mean that they all couldn't come together and follow Tecumseh and Prophet and stop the Americans from taking their home. The Indians might have had some hostility towards another group, but would come to get in peace to fight for what is right. Had the American saw the Indians stand together, maybe they wouldn't have tried to take their land as easily. Since most of the tribes Tecumseh tried to bring together already accepted the Christian religion and American ways, it was useless. But what tribes he was able to convince, could have made a statement.

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