Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Louisiana Purchase

It's the year 1803, and the Louisiana purchase has just been made. In this treaty the Americans (us) get the Mississippi River which is good because we can ship goods in and out. In order to get this territory the we had to pay the French 15 million dollars. We sent James Monroe and Robert Livingston to Paris to close the deal with France. Jefferson was very pleased with the treaty because we got the river that we wanted. Since the treaty our nation has doubled in size there is more land to own, and is was free to navigate the Mississippi river. Some people said that the way we purchased our territory was unconstitutional but Jefferson decided that since it benefited the nation that they would make an exception.

Im so happy that this has happened. I think that this helped unify our nation because we bought land instead of just taking them like we had done in the past. This also helped us be able to use the Mississippi River to our advantage without causing conflict. In doing this we also allowed us to expand our borders, which helps us become a better nation. In my opinion this was one of the treaties that helped us become a hole. Now we are a more stronger and better nation than we were before.


Lucas Helms said...

Don't forget the use of commas and make sure you check over your work carefully. Other than that I liked your information; the "I think" in the second paragraph would not please Mrs. Britt though.

DMickeal said...

Who helped unify our nation after the Louisiana Purchase? How did they unify us?